Thursday, August 11, 2011


I decided to start a blog. Now, I know this isnt such a phenominal first sentence, but I would say it purely states the facts. Nothing more, nothing less. To be honest, I fully expect this to go the same way of all my other internet adventures... I'll use it consistently for about 2 weeks, then it will slowly move farther and farther off my radar. Also, I predict that this will turn into nothing but a place for me to vent, and if more than, say, 5 people see this in the entire time it exsists, I will be thouroughly impressed. Any way, thats my introduction, and I'm sticking to it, and if you dont like it you can go ahead and move to the next blog. On the other hand, if you enjoyed reading my introduction, then I fully suggest that you continue to read on the blog of The Red Balloon Girl.

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